To volunteer or for more information about any of these ministries or groups, please contact the parish office.
Altar serving is one of the oldest ministries in the Church. It is a great opportunity to grow closer to God and to serve in a very solemn manner at the Mass.
This ministry helps to assist the priest throughout Eucharistic celebrations and is for adults and children (10 and over).
Commitment: as needed.
To learn about liturgy and to prepare our liturgical celebrations.
Commitment: One meeting per month.
Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy to serve Holy Communion to our brothers and sisters in Christ at Mass.
Commitment: Once per month.
The lobby greeters are the people that our parishioners and visitors first meet upon entering the Church.
Commitment: Once per month.
To preside during Liturgy of the Word. Training provided.
Commitment: Once per month – weekday, or as needed.
A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass.
Commitment: Once per month.
Musicians & singers provide praise through music during liturgy.
Commitment: To lead the singing at Liturgy - weekly or bi-weekly.
Sacristans prepare the altar and Eucharistic gifts prior to each Eucharistic celebration.
Commitment: Once per month.
To clean and maintain the altar linens and vestments.
Commitment: Weekly.
Interested parishioners with "people skills" are invited to join our team of Ministers of Welcome. Prior to the opening hymn, as part of our gathering rite a Minister of Welcome:
Commitment: Once per month.