To volunteer or for more information about any of these ministries & groups, please contact the parish office.
A National women’s organization that responds to the spiritual and social needs of its members and the larger community. Diocesan CWL website
For more info, please, contact CWL President Fatima Warner at 250-656-8863
Meetings: Once per month (afternoon).
This gathering allows everyone the opportunity to chat with fellow parishioners in a relaxed social manner after the celebration of Mass.
If you are interested in helping to prepare the coffee, juice, and cookies, please contact Diane Guglielmi at 250-652-4450.
Meetings: Once per week, after Sunday's 10:30am Mass.
To prepare and serve lunch for those who need food, friendship or support. Once per week (except in Summer, at Christmas, and during Easter week).
Commitment: Once a month (Approx. 3 Hours).
A fraternal organization of Catholic men who service the church, community, council & country.
Parish Contact: Mike Koessler – Grand Knight
Phone: 250-652-4979
Email: [email protected]
Meetings: Once per month (Evening, Approx. 3 hrs).
To obtain, catalogue, and maintain the books in our library.
Commitment: As needed.
To coordinate social activities in the parish.
Commitment: As needed.
A charitable organization committed to serve those in need by providing food, housing, clothing and support.
Meetings: Once per month.
Members practice reflection, stillness, and the movements of Taiji Qigong, in order to encourage the harmonious flow of chi.
Meetings: St. Elizabeth’s Church on Wednesdays at 10 am (1.5 hours),
To encourage and assist the youth of our parish. To participate in diocesan youth activities.
Commitment: As needed.
To support families in teaching their children about spirituality, God and their role in the Christian Community. To interpret the Gospel at the children’s level - through song, art, games.
Commitment: Sunday 9:45 am-11:00 am, plus home preparation.
To recognize through a special blessing those couple whose marriage anniversary falls during the month.
Commitment: Last Sunday of every month.
Join us and praise God in word and song and share how God is working in your life. Enjoy fellowship and be nourished by the teachings and sharing of others on their spiritual journey. During our meeting we offer petitions for family, friends and our local and world communities.
Commitment: Every Thursday, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, at St. Elizabeths in the small meeting room #3.
The RCIA is a process that prepares a person to be a member of the Church. The process has its purpose the creation of Church.
Lived and celebrated faithfully, the process not only add members to the Church, but also clearly affirms who the Church is.
To lead or organize interested parishioners in studying scripture.
Commitment: As interest demands.